Finland Lifts T1 Military Ban

Numerous countries enact protective measures against employment discrimination for individuals with diabetes. However, within specific professions, notably military roles, nations maintain comprehensive bans on service for such individuals. This policy arises from concerns surrounding operational readiness, physical fitness, and the challenges related to insulin management during training, critical operations, and wartime scenarios, considering factors like […]

Type 1 Screening Studies Discussed

A three person panel discussed diabetes screening programs in their different countries. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, MD, Professor and Director of the Institute of Diabetes Research at Helmholtz Center Munich revealed the findings from a screening programme looking for early stages of type 1 diabetes. It found around 80 percent of children and adolescents who develop type […]

Whole Grains and Economic Costs

Could whole grains reduce the economic impact of type 2 diabetes? That was the subject of a study in Finland that suggest the increased consumption of whole grain foods could reduce the economic costs of type 2 diabetes. Read more At: