Insulin Cost Caps in the United States Are Not Delivering Intended Results

Study Exposes Limitations of State-Level Insulin Cost Caps in the United States and Calls for Targeted Policy Reform A first-of-its-kind study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado has revealed significant shortcomings in state-level insulin out-of-pocket cost caps in the U.S., a measure widely hailed as a solution to insulin affordability. Despite their promise, […]

From Sana’s Desk – An unforgettable Purple Heart story

Insurance Coverage – a determinant of health and life for young people with diabetes in the US! Some time ago, I watched a Netflix movie “The Purple Heart” with horror. Later, I convinced myself that the story may be unique or fictitious! If you have not watched it yet, I recommend you to do so. […]

Collaboration Brings Success

US Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Susan Collins (R-ME) joined a Washington Post Live event to discuss the high cost of prescription medication in the United States. In their discussion, the Senators discussed their cross-party (bipartisan) efforts to pass comprehensive Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBM) reform, lower the cost of insulin, including their Insulin Act, and why […]

Draft Bill Published

A Draft Bill on Health Insurance Scheme is being debated by the Ugandan Parliament. It stipulates that all Ugandans aged 18 and above will have to enrol and pay premium to the proposed national health Insurance Scheme. For those below 18 and are dependents, their parents or guardians will have to pay for them. Premium for […]

Income Levels and Diabetes

Data has revealed a strong correlation between income levels and the incidence of diabetes in South Korea. A collaborative research group involving two universities and two hospitals in the country classified 7.82 million adults aged between 30 and 64, who did not have type 2 diabetes, according to their income levels in 2012. The group […]

National Plan Delayed by Inflation

Rising out-of-pocket costs for people living with diabetes are hitting hard across the globe. Since 2001, in one country, Diabetes Canada (DC) has tracked the out-of-pocket costs – costs assessed after reimbursement by public insurance programs – of managing type 1 diabetes and added type 2 diabetes in 2003 based on specific composite case studies […]

DLC Joins Lawsuit

A trio of patient advocacy groups in the US are challenging a rule that allows insurers to prevent financial assistance from drug companies from counting toward a patient’s annual out-of-pocket costs. Insurers argue that drug companies’ co-pay assistance programs allow drug companies to steer patients toward expensive brand-name drugs, driving up health costs for everyone. […]