WDD reports continued.

Spain – In Valencia, Spain, an annual event marking WDD took place. The V111 Race Walk took place in Alicante on 14 November. Its aim is to highlight diabetes, promote healthy lifestyles. The walk, or run, is over 5 kilometres and starts in the morning from the beach at San Juan. It was carried out […]

Sugar Tax News

Sugar taxes continue to hit the headlines, and whether you have or haven’t advocated for such a measure to try and reduce consumption this study by Rachel Arthur, Elaine Watson, Niamh Michail, Gary Scattergood, Flora Southey takes a look around the globe to at some of the markets where taxes have been introduced or are […]

Research Corner

Much of the research and studies make for grim reading with the implications for people and health care systems severe. All the more important to seek allies who can share and add force to your advocacy to seek improvements to prevention, encourage early diagnosis, and the best treatments. Britain Healthy lifestyle key to prevention of […]

Not Just People with Diabetes at Increased Covid Risk

In a major study in Spain, researchers have concluded that abnormally high blood sugar may worsen outcomes and mortality rates for Covid-19 patients, including those without diabetes. The findings show patients with abnormally high glucose levels were more than twice as likely to die from the virus than those with normal readings. 11,000 non-critically ill […]

Research Corner

University of Exeter and Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust research revealed at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) 2020 on-line event, suggests screening could give two years’ extra type 2 diabetes alert. https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/9143/presentation/1514 The findings from a recent study by a University of Buffalo researcher and others could prove to […]