News From Around the World

Anti-Diabetes Campaign |

More than 130 people graduated as 10,000 Toes ambassadors after attending a threeday summit held at Pacific Adventist University (PAU) in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG), last October.

Learning how to run health expos and community health checks, the new ambassadors are now ready to assist the campaign in fighting against the rise of diabetes in PNG.

Following the three-day summit, further training was given to lead ambassadors from local missions in PNG — which includes mission presidents, health directors, and health professionals.

The five-day training focused on two intervention programs — ELIA Wellness and Live More Abundantly — and equipped leaders with tools, resources, and skills to help roll out the ‘10,000 Toes Campaign’ across the country.

“It is exciting to have the debut 10,000 Toes Wellness Summit take place and the training of the health directors in the Live More Abundantly program to help turn the tide of diabetes and other chronic diseases,”

The team was from Fiji, Australia, and Papua New Guinea and led by PNG Union Mission health director Zachary Lipen, South Pacific Division (SPD) health ministries director Geraldine Przybylko, Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) regional health director George Kwong, and associate regional ambassador in Fiji Mary-Clare.

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