Can PDGN Help You More?
You may already have a group and would welcome some extra support from PDGN. Get in touch with our Secretary General Adrian Sanders – [email protected] and find out what we can do.
Can We Help You Form A Group?
If you can persuade a few colleagues to join PDGN – it’s free and only takes a couple of minutes to fill in a form on-line at – we can liaise with you to arrange an on-line meeting and put you in touch with someone who can help you get your group off the ground.
What’s Happening in Your Patch?
Let us know what’s happening in your patch?
Add PDGN to your press releases, send us a report on your successes and challenges preferably with photos to share with others.
Together we make the greatest difference.
It’s hard acting on your own but PDGN wants to hear from you. All the successful groups started with just one person.
Send your stories and photos or requests for help and support from others to:
PDGN Needs You
Could you take on a role within the global network to help us reach out and grow our membership and effectiveness in meeting the challenge of diabetes across the globe?
You will already be an advocate for the prevention, early diagnosis and best treatments for diabetes within your country. Could you become a global champion alongside our Vice-Presidents and help shape our strategy and activities?
The time commitment is open to you. There will be a few emails a year to respond to and an occasional on-line meeting. For an informal chat about what’s required just contact Adrian Sanders our Secretary General [email protected].
Please Ask Your Colleagues To Join
Our membership is our strength and it constantly turns over as people lose elections or stand down – we have to constantly recruit.
Please ask your colleagues to join, it’s free and there’s a membership form on our website.
Twitter: @PDGN_diabetes