Research Corner

Using research to make your case with decision makers is always important. Some recent studies are referenced below with links to the detail. Please let us know, if you have used any of these in your advocacy.

Randomised controlled trials have shown that total diet replacement (TDR) can lead to remission of type 2 diabetes.

Preexisting diabetes was associated with a more than tripled odds of experiencing stillbirth or perinatal mortality, with higher risks for mothers with type 2 vs. type 1 diabetes.

WHO blames tobacco, processed food, fossil fuel, and alcohol industries for 2.7million deaths a year in Europe alone. 

Study links COVID-19 to faster onset of T1D symptoms in children

The importance of early diagnosis – Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Patients With Type 1 Diabetes With Early Versus Late Diagnosis.

Study offers possible explanation for link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s.