Surge in T2D in Rural India

Rural India is grappling with a surge in type 2 diabetes (T2D) that signals a significant shift in lifestyles and dietary habits among the population.

The rise of T2D reflects the transition from traditional, physically active lifestyles to more sedentary ones, often accompanied by diets high in processed foods, unhealthy fats, and refined sugars.

Data from 1,778,706 adults in India from surveys conducted from 1972-2017 revealed that the prevalence of diabetes increased in both rural and urban India from 2.4 percent and 3.3 percent in 1972 to 15.0 percent and 19.0 percent, respectively, in 2015-2019.

Limited access to healthcare services and a lack of awareness further compounds the challenges of addressing this. In many rural areas, healthcare facilities and medical resources are scarce, leaving a significant portion of the population without adequate access to diabetes screening, treatment, and education.

Moreover, cultural and linguistic barriers may hinder effective communication about diabetes prevention and management.

According to the report, India has far higher rates of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity than previously thought. You can read a copy of the report via this link: