EU Drug Shortages

The French national health authority is calling for EU countries to make joint purchases of drugs to address possible future shortages across the 27 Member States. The call came in a Senate hearing into drug shortages with the suggestion that the EU’s recently established health emergency response agency (HERA) could bulk purchase medicines in advance […]

Call for Debate on Diabetes Care

Shropshire Liberal Democrat MP Helen Morgan has asked the government to allow MPs time for a debate on NHS care for diabetes. This comes after the publication of a report by Diabetes UK showing Shropshire to have the worst care for diabetes patients in the country, with only 25 percent of all patients in the […]

1.3 billion with Diabetes by 2050!

A series of studies published in ‘The Lancet’ estimates that the number of people living with diabetes will double by 2050. The researchers predict more than 1.3 billion people could suffer from the disease in 30 years – up from 529 million in 2021 – if there is no effort to address what they describe […]

Drug Shortages in Bulgaria

The most sought-after and missing drugs in the Bulgarian pharmacy network are those related to diabetes, which forced the authorities in Sofia to tighten control by introducing a mandatory electronic prescription from a doctor. The aim is to reduce the off-label use of diabetes drugs, which in the last few years have been increasingly popular as weight loss remedies. […]

MPS’ Joint Action

A number of UK Members of Parliament from across the political divide have signed a letter warning that health and social care businesses are facing unprecedented pressures as a result of the pandemic, inflation and the effects of leaving the European Union. The signees call on the Government to protect healthcare supply chains, including a […]

Insulin Fears Allayed

Fear that fast-acting insulin ‘Fiasp’ used by approximately 14,000 people with Type 1 diabetes in Australia would be withdrawn have been allayed, at least temporarily. This followed an outcry from patients, politicians and advocacy groups. PDGN highlighted the issue on its social media pages at the time the news broke that the insulins would be […]

Importance of Blood Test Checks in Type 2 Diabetes

The importance of maintaining blood glucose levels within a safe range is vital for people with diabetes. Monitoring devices are crucial in this and evidence from people with type 2 diabetes using a smart blood glucose meter and a mobile app has driven home the importance of such checks. Real-world evidence has shown people with […]

Jamaican Healthy Lifestyle Campaign Launched

With an estimated 236,000 people, or nine per cent of the population with diabetes, a study found that only 106,000 of Jamaicans are aware of their status. These alarming statistics have prompted the Health and Wellness Ministry of Jamaica to announce an initiative to help determine the health status of people through a screening programme. […]

Chad Screening Programme

The Government of the Republic of Chad, a large landlocked country at the crossroads of North and Central Africa, launched a diabetes, blood pressure, obesity and kidney disease screening campaign in April. Four sites were chosen to screen all age groups free of charge. The Chadian Minister of Health, Dr Abdelmadjid Abderahim (pictured), officially launched […]