More Support for Role of Community Pharmacies

More research has been published showing how well-placed community pharmacists are to improve the early diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and how this can reduce health service costs in the longer term. The research by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Boots UK uses statistics from 2014 showing that in the UK there are […]

Pharmacists Helping Type 2 Patients go drug free

In our last issue we reported on the role of pharmacists as partners in meeting the challenge of diabetes. The Pharmaceutical Journal reported last month that pharmacists can help patients with Type 2 diabetes adopt a low-carbohydrate diet and reduce their medicines load, but a policy document published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and endorsed […]

Are you making use of pharmacists?

Where there is an established network of Community pharmacies, such as in the UK, many peoples’ first contact with their health service is with their local chemist. Increasingly health care managers are trying to encourage people to go to their pharmacy first before seeing a doctor, or visiting a hospital. Pharmacists are well placed to […]