More Support for Role of Community Pharmacies

More research has been published showing how well-placed community pharmacists are to improve the early diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and how this can reduce health service costs in the longer term.

The research by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Boots UK uses statistics from 2014 showing that in the UK there are more than three million people diagnosed with diabetes with an estimated 590,000 people with undiagnosed diabetes.

With the cost of Type 2 diabetes to the UK’s National Health Services at nearly £10 billion and expected to rise from 10 per cent to 17 per cent of the entire health budget by 2035, early diagnosis is critical to reduce the cost of complications. Complications are estimated to be as much as one third of the cost of treating people with Type 2 diabetes.

The team at UEA and Boots UK investigated the cost-effectiveness of community pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes screening in two pilot areas – Leicester and Surrey. A total of 328 people took part in the study, and data was collected over a six-month period. They found that the cost per test and identification rates in patients were similar to those reported through medical practices for Type 2 diabetes.

Their conclusion was to support community pharmacy screening services in areas of suspected greater prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and increasing the proportion of patients who follow pharmacist advice to attend their medical practice. They believe this would significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of the service. -03/uoea-t2d032519.php

Advocacy Action: Do your pharmacists offer a screening programme? Is it targeted geographically or demographically, or both? Could you campaign for one? Your national pharmacy organisation might be able to help you.

Integration of Pharmacy into Health Care Systems

PDGN reported on initiatives bringing pharmacists into integrated diabetes care systems. The evidence to support such initiatives is growing. diabetes-calls-for-full-integration-of-pharmacists-across-nhs-systems/20206786.article?firstPass=false

And here

Advocacy Action: What’s the position in your country? Is integration the norm, happening slowly, or not on the agenda? What’s the view of your national pharmacy organisation? Do let PDGN know, and contact us if we can help you raise this issue where you are.