A comment in The Lancet journal (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(24)00032-9/abstract) highlights the importance of community involvement in diabetes policymaking and provides key insights into how such policies can benefit people living with diabetes, health professionals, health service providers, and diabetes community organisations.
Most national and international research funding bodies now require community involvement in diabetes care. To be implemented properly, community involvement requires the inclusion of people from all branches and demographic sections of the diabetes community. A single person, on the other hand, can only represent limited views.
Understanding the various barriers faced by the diabetes community is essential for impactful community involvement. Disclosure of diabetes can lead to discrimination and stigma in society, especially in workplaces. Such situations can pose problems for people living with diabetes and must be taken into account when making policies. Therefore, the lived experience of people with diabetes must be valued and considered to create positive change.
Advocacy Action: Urge your local representative to ensure diverse and inclusive involvement of the diabetes community in decision-making. Also, encourage them to take action to reduce diabetes stigma to create a healthy environment for people with diabetes to be involved. This means challenging body shaming, blaming people for their condition, and using appropriate language.