CAPTION: The Hon Silvio Grixti MP, Chair of the now Official Parliamentary Working Group for Diabetes.

The Maltese Cross-Party Group for Diabetes has taken its status to the next level.

Started by two interested MPs who attended a PDGN Forum six years ago, the Maltese All Party Diabetes Group has had a string of advocacy successes culminating in the adoption of a National Diabetes Plan by the Government.

Now the group has been recognised as a Parliamentary Working Group that the Speaker of Parliament has agreed will be a sub-committee of the powerful Health Standing Committee.

It means a higher profile, more influence within decision making and records of meetings that will be documented on the parliament’s website.

The committee has five members and is chaired by Labour Member Silvio Grixti.

Opposition National Party MP Claudette Buttigieg MP is one of the members and is Deputy Speaker of the House. She has a teenager with Type 1 Diabetes.

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