Research funding in Canada’s federal budget

Top researchers in the field of type 1 diabetes (T1D) signed an open letter in support of renewed funding for the JDRF (now Breakthrough T1D) and CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) Partnership to Defeat diabetes through Federal Budget 2024, for a promising approach to curing type 1 diabetes (T1D) called islet replacement therapy. In […]

Emma Klatman – Leading the Charge in Advocacy!

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“Diabetes didn’t happen to me ; it happened for me” Emma Klatman illuminated the conversation as she shared her compelling journey in diabetes advocacy during our recent interview. Serving as the Global Policy and Advocacy Manager at Life for a Child, an organization extending support to over 58,000 children and young individuals living with diabetes […]

Diabetes and T1DE

In the UK former Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May MP and former Labour Minister Sir George Howarth chaired a Parliamentary Inquiry on the risks of disordered eating among people living with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Their report calls for essential changes to be made to provide effective care.   The report, which has been written […]

Major T1D Step Forward in UK

Described as an artificial pancreas, which it is not, a hybrid closed loop system is worn externally to continually monitor a person’s blood glucose then automatically adjust the amount of insulin given to them through a pump. Within England local National Health Service (NHS) systems will start identifying eligible people living with T1D who health chiefs […]

India Schools and Insulin

The Uttar Pradesh state government has recently decided to allow school students with Type 1 diabetes to carry insulin to classrooms. Although there are no rules to ban students carrying insulin, there were none in place to allow it. The intention is to ensure all schools are aware of the need for students with diabetes […]

Italy 1st to Introduce T1 Screening for Children

The Italian government has become the first to introduce a National Paediatric Screening Law for type 1 diabetes. Introduced by the Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, Giorgio Mulè, the law was approved in the Health Commission. It is hoped the screening will help prevent children aged 1 to 17 most likely to be diagnosed […]

Third of Type 1 Patients Insulin-Free With Stem Cells

Novel stem-cell transplant continues to show promise for achieving full insulin independence for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Trevor W. Reichman, MD, PhD, Surgical Director of Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation, Ajmera Transplant Center at the University of Toronto said: “We are hopeful that this first-of-its-kind research could be a gamechanger for the treatment of […]

Some Observations

The ADA Scientific Sessions are mostly what the title suggests, scientific and concentrating on research studies and commercial presentations. It was more about tomorrow than today. It was also disproportionately biased towards type 1 research, perhaps not surprisingly as that is where the big ticket technology is aimed. There were many presentations on advancements in […]

Type 1 Screening Studies Discussed

A three person panel discussed diabetes screening programs in their different countries. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler, MD, Professor and Director of the Institute of Diabetes Research at Helmholtz Center Munich revealed the findings from a screening programme looking for early stages of type 1 diabetes. It found around 80 percent of children and adolescents who develop type […]

Tech News

Dexcom has announced that its next-generation real-time continuous glucose monitoring system, DexCom G7, is now available in Canada, for people with any type of diabetes, aged two years and older, including those who are pregnant. Can an artificial intelligence test diagnose type 2 diabetes from a 6 second voice clip? A Canadian team claim […]

Diabetes in Schools

A 6 million Australian Dollar (US 3.8m) diabetes in Schools program is hoped to help reduce the impact of type1 diabetes (T1D) for students, parents and schools. The programme should ensure that principals, teachers and school staff have the support, training and tools they need to support students with T1 diabetes at school. “A recent […]

T1 Screening Reaches N.Ireland

Funded by Diabetes UK and JDRF, ELSA (Early Surveillance for Autoimmune diabetes)  was first launched in England, Scotland and Wales in November 2022. The study aims to recruit 20,000 children, aged 3-13 years, to assess their risk of developing T1D through at-home finger-prick blood tests. Home testing kits are now available to families throughout Northern Ireland. Around […]

Italy First to Introduce T1 Screening

The Italian Parliament has passed a law to make it possible, from 2024, to prevent the occurrence of the most dangerous complications, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, in Italian children between 1 and 17 years old, who are destined to develop type 1 diabetes. The law was celebrated at the October ISPAD annual conference in Rotterdam. […]

Call to Action on Forgotten T1 Complications

The call came from Dr Peter Rossing, head of complications research at Steno Diabetes Center in Copenhagen. He claimed that type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) have largely been forgotten. While the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with diabetes has been transformed in recent years, studies have focused […]

Screening for T1

The latest data on  universal screening for type 1 diabetes (T1D) was reviewed in a session at this year’s annual meeting of EASD in Hamburg, Germany (2-6 October). Dr Emily K. Sims, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA, reported on research by various groups that […]

PDGN in Liverpool

PDGN Secretary General, Adrian Sanders, attended the Diabetes UK Professional Conference in Liverpool where new research was presented that has pinpointed five unique combinations of genes that either help protect people living with obesity and overweight from developing type 2 diabetes, or increase their risk. There were sessions on the issues facing the care of […]

Insulin Fears Allayed

Fear that fast-acting insulin ‘Fiasp’ used by approximately 14,000 people with Type 1 diabetes in Australia would be withdrawn have been allayed, at least temporarily. This followed an outcry from patients, politicians and advocacy groups. PDGN highlighted the issue on its social media pages at the time the news broke that the insulins would be […]

Importance of Blood Test Checks in Type 2 Diabetes

The importance of maintaining blood glucose levels within a safe range is vital for people with diabetes. Monitoring devices are crucial in this and evidence from people with type 2 diabetes using a smart blood glucose meter and a mobile app has driven home the importance of such checks. Real-world evidence has shown people with […]

National Plan Delayed by Inflation

Rising out-of-pocket costs for people living with diabetes are hitting hard across the globe. Since 2001, in one country, Diabetes Canada (DC) has tracked the out-of-pocket costs – costs assessed after reimbursement by public insurance programs – of managing type 1 diabetes and added type 2 diabetes in 2003 based on specific composite case studies […]

News From Around the World

CGM First Step in NZ The New Zealand medicine-funding agency, Pharmac, announced in February it was seeking competitive commercial offers to fund Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) – the “first step” in the process. Many campaigners inside and outside of Parliament are claiming that the process is taking far too long. According to the Ministry of […]